Mar 15, 2011


Tawau, 2009

aku bukan Salsabila Fahim
yang tegar mengharungi segala ancaman kehidupan
juga bukan seorang Teh Sofia
yang teguh dan tetap pendirian..

..Tunggu teduh dulu, kerja Tuhan siapa tahu!

1 comment:

  1. Tapi kau hajar mohd! Sentiasa berazam dibarisan hadapan membantu ummah!


"Today is all that you have. Organize the hours of this day so that you make years out of minutes and months out of seconds. Seek forgiveness from your Lord, remember HIM, prepare for the final parting from this world and live today happily and at peace."

'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni