Nov 19, 2010

Moga secebis ketabahan HAjar terpalit dalam diri seorang hajar...

Salam Eid Adha

better late than never =)

'kau' buat ku tersenyum.. 

walau hanya sekadar gabungan huruf dan angka

...Terima kasih Tuhan!

Nov 8, 2010

I talk too much lately.True. I should keep quiet for a while then. Until i find something that can make me start talking again and again and again.. G12 maybe? haha.. We'll see..

To the readers, am so sorry for wasting your time reading all these rubbish.

Till then! Adios amigos~

...We never miss the water until the well runs dry...

how pathetic i bad!

Nov 7, 2010


Ada masa dan ketikanya
resah mulai mencengkam jiwa
terasa sesak di dada
Seakan tidak mampu menarik nafas walau untuk seketika
Alveoli mungkin gagal berfungsi dengan sepenuhnya..

Ya benar
Aku ini manusia yang penuh dengan kekhilafan
Bukannya malaikat yang tidak melakukan kesilapan
Lantaran itu 
ada waktunya aku tetap juga merasa diri tenggelam dalam kelemahan
hanyut dalam kepasrahan..

Ya Tuhan..hidup ini penuh dengan ketidakpastian...

'Don't despair and never lose hope'

Perkataan amat mudah diungkapkan
realitinya apa benar aku mampu melaksanakan? 

Ya Tuhan..hidup ini penuh dengan ketidakpastian..
Tegarkah aku melawan perasaan?

Bisikan demi bisikan
Hasutan demi hasutan
Bikin aku sentiasa tidak aman 
untuk terus duduk diam menidakkan perasaan!

Bersabarlah diri
Hanya tinggal beberapa purnama sahaja lagi
untuk blah dari sini!

Aku mahu ke sana
Tetap dan sentiasa ingin mahu menjejakkan kaki ke sana
Biarlah orang kata aku gila
Biarlah orang kata apa
Aku tetap mahu dan terus mahu pergi ke sana

Ya Tuhan
hamba mohon dipermudahkan segala urusan..

Ameen Ya Rabb~

.....My life is full of uncertainties.....

Nov 3, 2010

Worry Ends

Don't be saddened by what you see
By all the lies and treachery
Life is cruel but don't worry
In your heart lies the key
To unwind all the secrets 
Of this life we see 

When you feel you've lost it all
When you don't know who's your friend or foe
You wonder why you're so alone
Worry ends when faith begins

Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has its miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins 

Don't be saddened by what you see
I know life can be crazy
A showcase of hypocrisy
In the form of piety
It's just one big mystery
For you and me 

I found my peace deep within
Calling inside 
Follow what you feel is right
So trust your heart go ahead
Don't lose sight
Follow that voice deep inside 

When you feel you've lost it all
When you don't know who's your friend or foe
You wonder what you're so alone
Worry ends when faith begins 

Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has it's miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins 

If you're weak it's not a crime
Don't you know it's blessing in disguise
To know who's honest and who spread lies
Worry ends when faith begins 

Don't be sad by what you see
It's true life has it's miseries
But one thing's always worked for me
Worry ends when faith begins 

~Sami Yusuf

--> OMG! Subhanallah lagu-lagu dalam album terbaru Sami Yusuf, Wherever You Are super mantap tahap taktau nak cakap! Must buy!!

"Today is all that you have. Organize the hours of this day so that you make years out of minutes and months out of seconds. Seek forgiveness from your Lord, remember HIM, prepare for the final parting from this world and live today happily and at peace."

'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni