Feb 7, 2010

Untukmu kekanda

Khususan ila ukhti al-hibba'

Wanita Cantik menurut ALLAH adalah:

1. Melukis kekuatan melalui masalahnya
2. Tersenyum di saat tertekan
3. Tertawa di saat hati sedang menangis
4. Tabah di saat terhina
5. Mempersona kerana memaafkan
6. Mengasihi tanpa meminta balasan
7. Bertambah kuat dalam doa dan pengharapan ILAHI

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"Today is all that you have. Organize the hours of this day so that you make years out of minutes and months out of seconds. Seek forgiveness from your Lord, remember HIM, prepare for the final parting from this world and live today happily and at peace."

'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni