Mar 4, 2009

Tagamet oh Tagamet!


Tagamet oh Tagamet
where are u?
where should i find u?
i'm looking for u since few days ago..huuu

Tagamet (trade name) a.k.a Cimetidine (generic name) is an agent for gastric acid supression.
Basically this medication is indicated to acute gastritis cases.
huuu frust seketika sebab pegi ke sebuah farmasi tapi pekerja kt situ tidaklah tahu apakah itu Tagamet atau Cimetidine..
patut la pun diorg tak tahu, kebetulan pharmacistnya ngak ada di situ dong =(
pulang dgn perasaan yg keciwa dan hampa
stok simpanan sudaa habis maaa..
boleh aja nk mnta kt klinik uia dgn bahagia tapi kekangan masa yg dihadapi membatasi segalanya..klinik hanya dibuka time office hour sedangkan diriku kuliah di luar..
huuu balik2 lagi masa yg disalahkan
'asifi masa!

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"Today is all that you have. Organize the hours of this day so that you make years out of minutes and months out of seconds. Seek forgiveness from your Lord, remember HIM, prepare for the final parting from this world and live today happily and at peace."

'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni